
In 1996 I began “The Saltbox Shoppe” in the small lakeside town of Kincardine, Ontario. Always having a love of texture, color, architectural elements and a “keen” awareness of the importance of “green” it led me to design products that were original and unique. These conversation pieces, many of which are functional, are suitable for home, office, cottage and garden.

However, the goal was to achieve this at an affordable price and 100% “Canadian made”. When not designing or manufacturing, days are spent travelling the countryside for that unique ingredient. Some of these include original colour trim, baseboard, panel doors, barn roofing, door plates and knobs, spindles, sap spiels, and the signature key ingredient original colour embossed ceiling tin. My products are ever changing and developing and include, a one of a kind selection of functional birdhouses, tin mirrors, door knob coat hooks, fireplace screens, tin benches, planters, botanical flower pictures, signs, custom orders and much, much more.

You are invited to call and visit my store and family operated garden centre located at: 689 Huron Terrace, Kincardine, On., Canada N2Z 2H3 (519) 396-2612

See you soon!

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